Looking beyond security risk
Whether you’re a CEO of a start-up or a CIO of a hospital, if you’re collecting personal
information, you have to protect it. Do you have a comprehensive cyber security plan for
your organization? Do you feel vulnerable to the security risks associated with emerging
technologies? We can help with the following:
Policies and procedures
IT strategy and governance
Breach preparedness
Employee negligence causes the vast majority of security breaches, weather through phishing or malware installation. We provide customized security training that you can use in your organization to help mitigate against these risks. Classes include:
Breach simulations
Security incident simulation
Phishing simulations
Compliance and Risk Management:
Increasingly, customers, patients and users are demanding that technologies meet high
information security standards. Technology providers must meet those expectations,
and businesses, healthcare organizations, governments and not-for-profits must ensure
that their systems meet industry standards in order to comply with regulatory
requirements. We help secure your data - for you and for your customers. We help with:
ISO standards
SOC 2 preparation
TRA/VA/Pen testing
Ethical hacking
Vulnerability identification and management
Implementing information security protections is just the beginning of a robust cybersecurity
program. It takes diligence and expertise to ensure that those systems continue to prevent
threats and attacks. We create and maintain operational systems with security represented
in all the procedures in your organization. This includes:
• Patch management
• Breach management and reporting
Have questions about these services? Contact Us right now! We are here to help.